EHS Gazette Notifications
Online Issuance Of Passbook Under Rule 6 Of The Hazardous And Other Waste Rule 2016 In Punjab
Punjab State Pollution Control Board via notification No. SEE(HQ-2)/2020/523, has laid out that the authorised recyclers/re-processors of hazardous and other wastes shall apply for the issuance of passbook along with the application for authorisation under HOW(M&T) Rules, 2016 through the online system of the board (OCMMS), it shall be accompanied by the necessary documents and fee as prescribed in the notification. The notification also states that, till the necessary modification for filing the online request for passbook is incorporated into the OCMMS portal, the applicant shall attach a written request for this purpose along with the application. The industries which had obtained the authorisation but have not obtained the passbook need to file a revised application for allowing the processing, recycling, recovery, pre-processing, co-processing, and utilisation of hazardous waste. Please refer the notification for more details