Gazette Notifications
As per EPFO circular dated 1st September, the EPFO has cited that the India Japan SSA has become effective from 1st October 2016. As a result EPF/EPS contributions are not required to be deposited for Japanese expatriate coming to work in establishment covered under EPF & MP Act 1952. All Japanese expatriate workers working in India and the Japanese workers who left India before 1st October 2016 should receive a refund of their EPF/EPS contributions
Wage Ceiling Under The Payment Of Wages Act Increased From 18,000 To 24,000
As per notification number S.O. 2806 (E) published on 29th August 2017, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has notified that in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (6) of section 1 of the Payment of Wages Act, 1936, the Central Government, on the basis of figures of the Consumer Expenditure Survey published by the National Sample Survey Organization, hereby specifies rupees twenty four thousand per month as the wages under said sub-section (6)
Revised Composite Claim Form for Death Case Replacing Form 20, 10-D And Form 5-IF
As per EPFO circular dated 21st August 2017, the EPFO with a view to simplify the submission of claim forms by the subscribers has released a new revised Composite Claim Form for Death Case to replace erstwhile Form No. 20, Form 10-D and Form 5-IF. Please refer to the revised Composite Claim Form in the notification
Revised Form For Authorisation Of Housing Loans From PF Account
As per EPFO circular dated 18th August 2017 which was released in continuation to the previous circular dated 21st April 2017, the EPFO has revised the application form for Housing loan by PF members and has also directed the Cash Branch to ensure that generation and disbursal of EMIs in respect of the all claims under para 68-BD( 4) of EPF Scheme, 1952 should be made on the first working day of the month. The necessary letter of intimation shall be sent to the lending agency and the member on first working day of the month. Please refer to the revised application form in the notification
As per recent EPFO circular dated 4th August 2017, the EPFO has declared that the Aadhaar Number would not be mandatory for International Workers as well as workers from Nepal and Bhutan. Further, for those members who already have UAN prior to 1st July 2017 and have to go for re-registration the submission of Aadhaar will be optional upto 30th September 2017. However, submission of verified Aadhaar will be mandatory for all such members from 1st October 2017
Easy Deposit And Withdrawal Of Contributions In EPF Through Banks
As per press release dated 2nd August 2017, the Ministry of Labour and Employment has stated that the Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) has tied up/entered into agreement with ten banks to collect EPFO dues and to make payments of Provident Fund (PF) withdrawals, pension and insurance to EPFO beneficiaries. The main objective of the multi banking arrangement is to provide more options to the employers to remit the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) contribution directly from their bank accounts
Launch Of Software For Generation Of Certificate Of Coverage
As per EPFO circular dated 31st July 2017, the EPFO has stated that new application software for online generation of Certificate of Coverage (CoC) was launched on 20.07.2017 and it is available on the link: The physical application for CoC will stand discontinued. EPFO has directed all employees to utilize online system only
Introduction Of App For ESI Patients
The Employees’ State Insurance Corporation (ESIC) has launched a mobile based application “AskAnAppointment” (AAA+) for booking of appointment in ESI Dispensaries in Delhi on 10th April, 2017. Through this Mobile Application, a beneficiary can seek a prior appointment for OPD Registration in the stipulated dispensary. Progressively the project is planned to be rolled out in other ESIC dispensaries, in phases, based on the response of this pilot project. Under ESIC 2.0 Reforms, ESI Corporation has decided to expand its services in the country. In the implemented areas where Insured person population does not meet the ESI norms for setting up health facilities, endeavour is made to provide services through mobile clinics
Launch Of Online Complaint Management System For Sexual Harassment At Workplace
As per press release dated 24th July 2017, the Ministry of Women & Child Development has launched an online complaint management system titled " Sexual Harassment electronic–Box" (SHe-Box) for registering complaints related to sexual harassment at workplace. This portal is an initiative to provide a platform to women working or visiting any office of Central Government (Central Ministries, Departments, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous Bodies and Institutions etc.). The complaint management system has been developed to ensure the effective implementation of the Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act. Once a complaint is submitted to the portal, it will be directly sent to the ICC of the concerned Ministry/ Department/ PSU/ Autonomous Body etc. having jurisdiction to inquire into the complaint. Through this portal, the Ministry as well as complainant can monitor the progress of inquiry conducted by the ICC. The SHe-Box portal can be accessed at the link:
EPFO Launches PF Transfer Claims Interface Under Unified Portal
As per EPFO circular dated 21st July 2017, the EPFO has highlighted the functionalities of the Member Interface and the Employer Interface under the Unified Portal viz., (1) Members who have their AADHAAR and Bank details seeded to the UAN can submit their PF transfer requests online. However AADHAAR is not mandatory for submitting online PF transfer request. Members have to duly fill in the transfer request on the Member Interface, post filling of the form a downloadable version of Form 13 will be available for the member. The Member is required to download the Form 13, sign and upload the same within a period of ten days from the date of submitted the transfer request in the Member portal. (2) Employers, on receipt of signed physical copy of the claim request PDF(Form 13)from the member, have to digitally approve the transfer requests submitted by the members using Digital Signature of the authorised personnel in the Employer interface Online Portal. To process transfers submitted post 1st March 2017, employers post receipt of signed copy of transfer claim PDF(Form 13) should attest the same and send it to the concerned EPFO Field Office for processing. Employers can now use the UAN/ Member ID of member to verify the following (1) Details of new joiners before completing the New Employee Registration process, (2) Verify previous employment details and (3) Verify KYC details of members. Furthermore, It has been observed by EPFO that that employers are registering new joiners in their establishment as fresh employment cases whereby the member is allotted a new UAN by the system. Thus, EPFO has directed its Field Offices to ensure that a member should have only one UAN throughout his or her employment life cycle cutting across multiple establishments and to minimize the allotment of new UAN to any member who is already allotted UAN
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