Gazette Notifications
ESIC Circular On Delay In Registration Of Employee
ESIC based on representations received from employers on recently introduced restriction in system for registration of employee, vide circular No:-P-11/12/Misc./SST Misuse/2019-Rev.II has approved new process for employer in the system while carrying out the online registration of an employee wherein date of appointment is more than ten days before, from the date of online registration. In this regard the ESIC portal will accept the registration of employees where difference between the date of appointment and date of registration is more than 10 days, provided that system will request to accept or reject the conditions mentioned for registration of an employee. If employer accepts the conditions insurance number will be allotted and a show cause notice shall be issued to the registered email id of the employer. The employer shall submit relevant reply/records within 15 days of issue of Show Cause Notice to the concerned RO/SRO in the prescribed proforma. If employer rejects the conditions, then the system will redirect the employer to change the date of appointment. Please refer the notification for detailed information
ESIC Circular On Employees' State Insurance (Central) Amendment Rules, 2019
ESIC vide notification no G.S.R. 599(E) dated 26th August 2019 has amended rule 61A, enhancing the dependant parents income limit for medical benefit from existing five thousand rupees to nine thousand rupees from all sources. ESIC has further directed all employers vide Circular no No.R-13/12/Policy/2001-Bft.II to strictly comply with the amendment
ESIC To Restrict Employer Towards Filing Of Monthly Contributions
ESIC vide notification NO:-P-11/12Misc./SST Misuse/2019-Rev.II restricts the employer from filing of Monthly Contributions after 42 days of the end of contribution period by making necessary changes in the insurance module of ESIC Project Panchdeep, as provided under Rule 26 of ESI (General) Regulation, 1950. Please refer the notification for detailed information
Government of India vide notification no S.O.3962(E) has extended the provisions of the Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952 to apply to the establishments, employing ten or more persons and covered under the provisions of the erstwhile the Jammu and Kashmir Employees’ Provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1961, as it stood before its repeal by the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganization Act, 2019 with effect from the 1st Day of January, 2020
Declaration Of PF Rate Of Interest For EPF Members Account For The Year 2018-19
As per EPFO Circular No. Invest.I/3(2)133/ROI/2018-19/5519 Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India conveyed the approval of Central Government to credit interest at 8.65% for the year 2018 -19, to the account of each member of the EPF Scheme as per provisions under Para 60(1) of EPF Scheme, 1952
The Apprenticeship (Amendment) Rules, 2019
The Ministry Of Skill Development And Entrepreneurship, Government of India vide notification no G.S.R. 686(E) has amended the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992. As per the amendment the apprenticeship training has been made to a minimum of six months and maximum of three years. Employers having four or more workers shall be eligible to engage apprentices whereas establishment having thirty or more number of workers shall be obligated to engage apprentices. Please refer the notification uploaded for more details towards the amendments
The Central Minimum Wages Notification (Oct 2019)
As per notification File No. 1 / 36(1)/ 20 lg-LS-II,Minimum Wages released for the Central Sphere effective 1st October 2019
Government of India in consultation with Employees' State Insurance Corporation vide notification no G.S.R. 638(E) has amended rule 52 of Employees' State Insurance (Central) Rules, 1950. As per the notification, the limit of average daily wages has been increased to one hundred and seventy six from one hundred thirty seven under exemption from payment of employee’s contribution
EPFO Instruction To Field Offices On Inspection Of Employers Establishment
EPFO vide circular No No.C-I/1(33)2019/Vivekanand Vidyamandir/717 has instructed all field offices that inspection in respect of wage structure, splitting of wage shall be carried out only after taking permission from CAIU after following the administrative guidelines and policy in those cases where credible basis is available for forming a view that the Employer has prime facie indulged in illegal practice of avoiding EPF liability by splitting the basic wages
Government of Haryana vide circular no 20934-70 has directed all officers of the labour department to strictly comply with guidelines with reference to Section 2(e)(iv) of Industrial Employment (standing order) Act, 1946; where the provisions of the said Act has been made applicable to every establishment of a contractor. Hence government has notified that, while issuing registration certificate and license under under The Contract Labour (Regulation And Abolition) Act, 1970, The Inter-State Migrant Workmen (Regulation of employment and condition of Service) Act, 1979 and The Motor Transport Workers Act 1961; the compliances towards the Industrial Employment (standing order) Act, 1946 shall be followed strictly. In this regard, undertaking of applicants shall be submitted to Head Office urgently
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